Stibnite Minerals

Raw Stibnite Mineral is a sulfide mineral with chemical composition is antimony sulfide (Sb2S3). The major ore of antimony. Lead-gray to silvery gray in shade, it frequently develops a black, iridescent tarnish on exposure to light. It usually takes place as elongated, prismatic crystals that can be bent or twisted.

Raw Stibnite Mineral For Sale, Price,

Stibnite Description:

Raw Stibnite Mineral is a sulfide mineral with chemical composition is antimony sulfide (Sb2S3). The major ore of antimony. Lead-gray to silvery gray in shade, it frequently develops a black, iridescent tarnish on exposure to light. It usually takes place as elongated, prismatic crystals that can be bent or twisted. These crystals are frequently marked by striations parallel to the prism faces. Stibnite usually forms coarse, irregular hundreds or radiating sprays of needlelike crystals, but it could also be granular or massive

Stibnite is deposited via alkaline waters, normally in affiliation with quartz. discovered in quartz veins or beds in granite and gneiss with few different minerals present. can also occur as an alternative in limestones and shales, likely owing its origin to hot-spring deposits. regularly related to intrusive rocks. related to other antimony minerals, as the products of its decomposition, and with galena, cinnabar, sphalerite, barite, realgar, orpiment, and gold.

Stibnite Associations:


All Chakras




Scorpio and Capricorn






Black, White, Gray,


Stibnite Color:

The coloration is brilliant lead-grey tarnishing to black with big, granular, radiating, and elongated crystals behavior.

Stibnite Clarity:

These are crystals of the antimony ore stibnite (antimony sulfide). at the same time as they may be gray and opaque to our eyes, they're actually transparent to infra-red light.

Stibnite Origin:

Stibnite can be found in Romania, China, and Japan. Significant deposits of stibnite have been located in Hunan province, China.

Stibnite Carat:

Stibnite crystallizes in an orthorhombic system, needle-fashioned with the best cleavage, and rare twinning. The mineral depicts subconchoidal fracture, splendent luster, and just like a colorless streak. The common particular gravity is 4.63, and hardness is 2 on the Mohs scale.

Healing Properties of Stibnite:                            

  • Stibnite become used medicinally by way of some of mankind’s earliest civilizations to deal with eye infections and other maladies.
  • Stibnite was a mysterious and enchanting mineral to historic peoples. And nevertheless, its strangely stunning look sparks creativeness.
  • It is a crystal of fire; its power is one that evokes movement and sparks or rekindles passions.

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