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January Birthstone | Garnet Birthstone Meaning, Colour, Ring

by Mehran Khan 22 Feb 2022 0 Comments
January Birthstone, Garnet Birthstone Meaning, Colour, Ring: The history of birthstones dates back to ancient times. Indeed, it is said that their origin is based on the 12 stones that adorned the breastplate of Aaron, the brother of Moses, representing the 12 tribes of Israel. However, it was not until the creation of the first calendar in 1752 that a stone was assigned to each of the 12 months of the year, thus creating the concept of birthstones known today. Over time, history and legends have bequeathed protective virtues and powers to each of the stones. January: Garnet The name Garnet comes from the fruit it resembles the pomegranate. On a physical level, this stone is said to promote good blood, heart, and lung health. Garnet is also said to promote romance, passion, and sensuality.
Blue Garnet Blue Garnet
February: Amethyst Amethyst is the most popular stone in the quartz family. Its name in Greek means without intoxication, because the water that was poured into amethyst cups took on the color of the wine. Amethyst is also considered a traditional stone among bishops and other religious figures. It is said to contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and prevent insomnia. loose gemstone March: Aquamarine Aquamarine is the stone associated with the oceans, by its color. It has long been worn by sailors to protect themselves from the dangers of the sea. Today, it is said to promote healthy liver and teeth, in addition to encouraging calm and the alleviation of fears. April: the Diamond Diamond is the most prestigious stone of all. Its Greek name Adamas means indomitable, recalling its unequaled hardness. The Diamond is the symbol of loyalty and eternity. This is why it has become the favorite stone for marriage. May: Emerald The Emerald's name comes from the Persian Esmeralde meaning the heart of stone. With its bright green hue, it is associated with spring and renewal. The mysterious side of this stone would also bring wisdom and success to the person who wears it. June: Pearl & Alexandrite Pearl is the traditional birthstone for the month of June. The virtues of innocence, purity, and truth are attributed to him. Alexandrite is also associated with the month of June. It is said to bring good fortune. July: Ruby Ruby is the stone that symbolizes intensity and dedication. Legend has it that this stone takes on a dark hue when a person faces danger, while its color will be bright red in times of stability and calm. August: Peridot The moss green Peridot is the symbol of inner strength. Ancient Egyptians believed that this stone had the power to ward off evil spirits. It is also said to promote prosperity and abundance. September: Sapphire In Hebrew, the word sapphire means the most beautiful thing. This stone is said to promote creation, inner peace, and meditation. It is often found in wedding jewelry, as it is a very hard stone. October: Opal & Tourmaline Opal is the stone of choice for calming the mind and maintaining a state of serenity. Tourmaline is also associated with the month of October. Its bright pink color is a symbol of hope. November: Yellow Topaz & Citrine Yellow Topaz has a warm color, like the sun. This stone promotes mental balance and loyalty. Citrine is also considered a birthstone for November. He is credited with the virtues of success, listening, and clarity of mind. December: Blue Zircon & Turquoise Blue Zircon is the traditional birthstone for December. It promotes prosperity and intellectual development. Turquoise is also associated with the month of December. It is said to ward off disease and restore balance.
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